Looking for an expert nutrition writer?

Looking for an Expert Nutrition Writer?

Well, hello there. My name is Jess Galland.

I am a wife, a mom to two kids and a Golden Retriever, and a Jesus follower. My kitchen is my happy place. I love to cook, but I love to eat even more. Professionally, I am a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist & an Expert Nutrition Writer.  I love to write and share quality, reliable nutrition information with the world.

Let’s chat about how I can provide nutrition, health & wellness writing services for you and your company!

Jess has incredible knowledge of early childhood nutrition and the effects that family can have on a toddler’s intake. She was extremely timely & the content was well researched. We will be working together again in the near future!

I was looking for someone to provide nutrition content for my employee newsletter, regarding health & wellness in the workplace. Jess provided relatable, easy to apply strategies that my employees can start to follow immidiately. I will definitely be contacting her for more content in the future

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Dietitians are Your Nutrition Experts!


Registered Dietitians (RDs) are nutrition experts who have completed the following criteria to earn and maintain the RD credential:

  • A minimum of a bachelor’s degree with coursework approved by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND).
  • At least 1200 hours of supervised practice through an ACEND-accredited program; this includes work at healthcare facilities, community agencies, and foodservice corporations.
  • Completed continuing professional educational requirements to maintain registration.
  • Passed a national examination administered by the Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR).

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